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AIH Awakening the Illuminated Heart

kr 11,111.00

Inkludert i prisen

  • Diplom ved bestått sertifisering
  • Varm lunsj
  • Lite måltid formiddag
  • Lite måltid ettermiddag
  • Frukt
  • Te Kaffe Vann hele dagen
Kategori: Stikkord:


You are registered when the course fee has been paid.
Mind Too sends an invoice with a due date of 14 days after registration.
If you have attended ATIH before, the price is NOK 5,555. Write in the order notes on the next page where and when, and the price will be corrected to NOK 5.555 before the invoice is sent.

A workshop, by LuKa
where we remember who we really are, how to create from the Heart and how to activate the natural Merkaba (our Lightbody).

Awakening the Illuminated Heart - AIH lasts for 4 days.
Day 1: Remembering the heart
Day 2: The Healing day
Day 3: The Day of Returning to Your heart
Day 4: The Merkaba Day

All days 10:00 am to 7:00 pm
Lunch from 13:00 to 14:00
Location: Scandic Fornebu (Subject to changes).